Saturday, October 31, 2009

This is Halloween, This is Halloween!

Happy Halloween! :)

I must admit that Halloween is one of my favorite holidays - I'd say it comes in second after Christmas.. I love getting to dress up and see what all the kids wear each year. It's always fun to give out candy - although I do miss getting to go trick or treating myself! Here's a few fun pictures -- the ones of Rob and I are from our Halloween party, and these first ones are my babies all dressed up and loving every second of it! :)

The Meow: This is my Halloween Costume
Meme: A Texas Aggie!
Tuxie: Guess Who?!

AAhhh... Zombies! Bride and Groom to be precise!

**Don't forget you can click on the picture to get a larger view!!**

Sunday, October 25, 2009


This weekend, we had some of our gaming friends and family over to eat food, play games, and have a fun time. And we did all those things! Our theme was Halloween - even though it was a week early - that way I could decorate the house in cute Halloween stuff and make people dress up! We also had our guests bring "scary foods" and it was really fun getting to see the creative items people brought. Rob made intestine-y spaghetti and I made putrid pumpkin pie with blood topping. Here are some pictures of some of the treats that were brought to the party:

Roasted Fingers - by Wes

Kitty Litter - by Kelly

Ghastly Grins - by Sherri

Haunted Graveyard - by Peggy

Putrid Pumpkin Pie - by Christine

Friday, October 23, 2009

Happy (Early) Halloween!

Rob and I bought our pumpkins a little early this year because we are having a little get together this weekend to play games and dress up in costumes! We wanted to have our pumpkins ready for the party, so last night we decided to start carving! We had a lot of fun during the process - although Rob still doesn't understand how I'm ok touching all the nasty stuff inside the pumpkin and yet I have a problem touching other things -- like meat. Of course, the logical explanation is that I don't have to EAT what comes out of the pumpkin. Makes sense to me..

Anyways, here are the two pumpkins we carved:

This is the Joker based on Arkham Asylum, carved by Rob. I love it!

This pumpkin was carved by me, and it is Jack from The Nightmare Before Christmas - which is one of the greatest movies ever made. :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Columbus Day!

And, I say that only because today is a holiday for me! :) Sadly for Rob, he had to work - but on the plus side, he was able to work from home which was a treat for both of us! It's nice having an extra day off.. but it makes it that much harder to want to go back to work! :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Canton, Oh Canton!

This weekend, Rob and I drove out to Canton for First Monday and met lots of family members there. We got to stay onsite in Sam & Peggy's trailer which made it really nice to go shop and come back and take break and start again. We had so much fun getting to hang out with family as well as getting to shop and look at all the neat things for sale! The only downside was that the weather was rainy Saturday evening and Sunday morning. But that just meant more games and family time! Anyways, here are pictures of what we bought this weekend! :)

Out new table decoration - I just need a new candle for it!

It's Fall Y'all.. door sign! And two bats that will be hung up for Halloween! So cute!

Mummies! Oh my!

Welcome Home Honey! :)

Rob and I found this a long time ago at Half Price Books but didn't buy it.. went back to get it and it was gone! But we found another one!

Magnetic picture holder that will go in the kitchen

Cookbook holder!

New shoes from my in-laws! Love them!

Snack food! Yum!