Sunday, November 15, 2009

Renaissance Festival 2009

This year we took a trip to the Renaissance Festival. Kelly, Wes, and Sherri went with us and I think I speak for us all when I say we had a great time! We planned ahead and decided to go to The King's Feast - which is basically a two hour feast with tons of food and drink! We went to it last year by chance, but got seats for all five of us this year. We arrived at the gates just after 9, and went to see Arsene - a silent French comedic magician. His shows are always so great! From there, we walked browsing the stores until it was time for The King's Feast at 11. We had much to eat and drink, and were stuffed upon leaving. After being stuffed to the brim, we went to see The Other Brothers who were also very entertaining. From there we caught Cast In Bronze and ended our day seeing our favorite, Sound and Fury.

Here's a few pics of all of us dressed up and having a good time!

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